Sabrina Cruz

I started tattooing shortly
after having my daughter Lillianna
in 2006. It was a rough start and
there were definetely times I
questioned if this industry was for
me. But I'm glad I stuck with it. I've
always been interested in all forms
of art. My Nanna still tells people,
"she's been coloring in the lines
since she was 18 months old!" I'm sure
she's exaggerating! lol. I just love
the job. It's very gratifying to have
my clients come in and ask me to put my artwork on their bodies permanently.
You can buy a painting and your house could burn down. Getting a tattoo is something that you will carry with you everyday for the rest of your life. There is no other form of artwork like it in my opinion. People always ask do you ever get tired of tattooing? I always say ...even if I do the same tattoo 20 times in one day... it's going on 20 different people. It's never a dull moment!
I enjoy meeting new people on a daily basis and love the creativity that I'm surrounded by with the people I work with everyday. I prefer to do lots of color in my work. Love bright bold designs. I also do alot of black and grey. Over the past few years I have started doing mass amounts of coverups. I love being able to turn something that the client hates into their new favorite tattoo.
I do alot of canvas paintings with acrylic and have recently started dabbling in watercolor. i also do decorative wall paintings for homes. If you are interested in getting a custom tattoo or painting be sure to go to the contact page and write me a detailed message about what you are interested in.
XOXO, Sabrina